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Veteran’s Early Learning Center Thank you

Guild members Margie Berkowitch and Nancy Sandreuter represented us at the Veterans Early Learning School on Mar 2, 2023.  The children presented the Hammersmith Quilters Guild and the Saugus Senior Center with a collage of hearts thanking them for the quilt that the Guild made for the school.  The quilt was a fabric art piece that replicated the paper hearts that the school made for the Senior Center in 2022.  Margie saw the paper hearts as an act of kindness.  She saw the hearts as a quilt as well.  The quilt will be displayed at the school.  The heart collage is being displayed at the Senior Center. 

The children were all smiles during the presentation.  Because we do not have permission from the parents to post pictures of the children on our website, their faces are pixelated.