NEQM – Improv and Abstraction in Antique Quilts

New England Quilt Museum 18 Shattuck St, Lowell, MA, United States

Marge Tucker, Guest Curator, will conduct a program on improv and abstraction in antique quilts on Saturday, March 9, 11 am.  The program will take place in the Genre Gallery.

April Guild Meeting

Saugus Senior Center 466 Central St, Saugus, MA, United States

Monthly guild meeting.   Margarita Blyumkina, a guild member, will show us how she makes her beautiful, two sided scrap quilts. Fat quarter:  White on white

May Guild Meeting

Saugus Senior Center 466 Central St, Saugus, MA, United States

Annual Guild business meeting. Fat quarter:  Blue

May Executive Board Meeting


All member are invited to the Executive Board Meeting.   Contact any board member for the zoom link.

June Guild Meeting

Saugus Senior Center 466 Central St, Saugus, MA, United States

Ice Cream Social Fat quarter:  Yellow

July Sit N Sew

Saugus Senior Center 466 Central St, Saugus, MA, United States

Enjoy sewing and socialization with guild members.