Our Guild is doing a Quilt of Valor ® (QOV) block drive from Veteran’s Day 2023 to Memorial Day 2024.
Thanks to Dottie’s Stash, we have QOV block kits available for members to make and donate to the Quilt of Valor® Foundation. These kits will be available at the November 2023 guild meeting. Most kits contain one fat eighth of a red, a white and a blue fabric. Some kits have fabric in them already cut into specific size blocks in order to maximize the use of Dottie’s Stash. Other kits besides having the fat eighths for blue and red have a white fat eighth that is one inch oversized. Those kits are marked with a +1.
Members can use any pattern they wish besides the ones suggested below. You can add in your fabric and make extra fabric using your own fabric. You can make several blocks. Thanks to Kristin Callahan we have cutting directions for a fat eighth for each of the suggested blocks.
Please hand in your completed 12 ½ in unfinished blocks to Merle Gordon anytime but no later than the May meeting.
The suggested patterns for the kits are:
“Courage” block (directions are found at https://www.qovf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Courage-Block.pdf). This quilt block will need the extra inch of white. Click here for cutting directions.
“Friendship Star” block (directions are found at https://www.qovf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Block-drive-2018-002.pdf) Click here for cutting directions.
“Split Back Star” block (directions are found at https://www.qovf.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/STAR.pdf) Click here for cutting directions.