
Ride 4 A Woman

In conjunction with the February General Meeting

The guild held its February meeting by zoom. After a short business meeting, President Nancy Sandreiter introduced our guest speaker, Ann Lauer. Ann is “an award-winning fiber artist who has been professionally designing and creating quilts, quilt patterns and kits, and quilt fabric for over twenty-five years.” (from her wwebsite).

Ann began her talk by describing her background and her work with Benartex in designing fabric lines. She showed us her new fabric line which will debut in the spring. She also showed us a quilt that she made from fat quarters from Africa along with her fabric taken from a pattern in a book sent to her by Nancy.

The program then centered on the Ride 4 Women group in Bwindi, Uganda. Ride 4 a Woman is an organization helping women, children and rural communities This link will take you to her website and a summary of her talk about these women and what they do.

She ended her program with information about donating to help the Ride 4 Women group. Donations can be made through her website at www.grizzlygulchgallery.com/african-quilters or directly to the Gofundme page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/ride-4-a-woman-in-uganda-africa.

To view the Ride for a Woman brochure click here.