The Hammersmith Quilters Guild completed a successful year of sewing for others. Over the year 107 quilts, 106 snowman pillowcases and 103 novelty pillowcases were made! Many children will be very happy. We purchased goods for 100 children that we stuffed into the snowman pillowcases along with a quilt. These gifts are split between the Department of Children and Families and the Home for Little Wanderers. The extra items allowed us to extend to other charities as well. The extra quilts were be donated to the MassGeneral-Brigham’s pediatric cancer center, and pillowcases were be donated to Allison’s closet, a nonprofit started by Paula Fallon’s daughter, Michelle who live in AZ, and a friend of Ellen O’Sullivan who gives quilts and pillowcases to children of the Massachusetts National Guard who are being deployed. The deployed parent is given a star and when they Facetime they bond over the gifts they receive at the deployment ceremony.
The Guild is proud of its members who take to heart the mission of the guild. Here is our mission statement from our bylaws. “The mission of The Hammersmith Quilters Guild is to promote the appreciation, enjoyment, and knowledge of quilting as an art form and a craft to its membership and to the general public. The Guild encourages quilting for the benefit of charitable causes and provides opportunities to broaden quilting skills through educational programs, meetings, and workshops. The Guild hopes to foster camaraderie and inspiration among quilters throughout the greater North Shore of Massachusetts and offers support to the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts.”