
Highlights from September 2023 General Meeting

Here are a few highlights from our September 2023 general Guild meeting.  President Nancy Sandrueter welcomed everyone.  She asked Joyce Rodenhiser for a toast for the new year.  Joyce raised her glass at least 10 times to the volunteers of the guild for a successful guild year.

John Balliro announced that the guild will have representatives at Quilters Common on Sept 23 and 24th to sell raffle tickets for the quilt to be given away at our upcoming quilt show.  He is looking for guild member to volunteer to assist in that effort.

Cindy Nile announced the upcoming guild getaway weekend.  It will be Mar 15 – 17 in Nashua,NH.  Registrations began on September 11. 

Gretchen Berkowitch reported on the November Quilt Show.  Of note, she asked that if any member has a veteran that they would like to nominate for a Quilt of Valor quilt to let Merle Gordon know. 

A show and tell followed.  Pictures of the quilts are at the gallery portion of the website. Click here to see.